Over 300+ Federal Agencies Adopt CDM Cybersecurity

Over 300+ Federal Agencies Adopt CDM Cybersecurity

Today, over 300 Federal Agencies have fully adopted the CISA and DHS “Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation” (CDM) Cybersecurity  program as an essential, core attribute to their Cybersecurity Defense operations. The reason is compelling, with the emergence of CDM and its adoption of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI), it presents a promising avenue to fortify cybersecurity defenses which enhance the management, monitoring and mitigation of risk and vulnerabilities across and entire ecosystem. Anamo is CDM and its leading the charge in the rapid adoption of AI and predictive risk extrapolation.

Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) for Hybrid Work Environments

Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) for Hybrid Work Environments

In 2020, the way people worked changed, likely for good. Instead of being in the office most of the time, employees worked at home. Although some workers have come back to the office, hybrid work is here to stay. Secure Access Service Edge (SASE), pronounced “sassy”) is ideal for hybrid work, with its cloud-native architecture, centralized access policies and support of access based on device identity. Read on to learn more about this architecture and what it can bring to hybrid offices.

Put Artificial Intelligence to Work for Your Business

Put Artificial Intelligence to Work for Your Business

What will your company do with artificial intelligence, now that it’s a key technological trend? Artificial intelligence (AI, for short) holds the potential to revolutionize how your business meets its goals. Fueled by the natural language model of generative AI, automation of processes, data analysis, and streamlining tasks have all helped businesses work more efficiently. Read on to learn more about specific use cases for different aspects of your business.

Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) for Hybrid Work Environments

2024 Anamo CDM and Big-Game Cyber Hunting

Big game cyber hunting is a type of cyberattack that usually leverages ransomware to target large, high-value organizations or high-profile entities. So the question is simple, how do they [the Hackers] determine high-value?

Consider Managed Detection and Response to Keep Your Business Secure

Consider Managed Detection and Response to Keep Your Business Secure

We are entering the seasons of storms (including hurricanes and tornadoes), wildfires and other possible disasters. Even a power outage of short duration can affect your business. What if you ship orders because of an interruption in your order processing service, for example? Or what about a bigger disaster, that takes your business out of operation for days or weeks? Read on to learn more about the importance of disaster preparedness for keeping your business running.

Disaster Preparedness for Business Recovery

Disaster Preparedness for Business Recovery

We are entering the seasons of storms (including hurricanes and tornadoes), wildfires and other possible disasters. Even a power outage of short duration can affect your business. What if you ship orders because of an interruption in your order processing service, for example? Or what about a bigger disaster, that takes your business out of operation for days or weeks? Read on to learn more about the importance of disaster preparedness for keeping your business running.

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