Put Artificial Intelligence to Work for Your Business

Put Artificial Intelligence to Work for Your Business

What will your company do with artificial intelligence, now that it’s a key technological trend? Artificial intelligence (AI, for short) holds the potential to revolutionize how your business meets its goals. Fueled by the natural language model of generative AI, automation of processes, data analysis, and streamlining tasks have all helped businesses work more efficiently. Read on to learn more about specific use cases for different aspects of your business.

US ProTech’s Generative AI Delivers “Predictive Cybersecurity Threat Extrapolation” options for NASA and the US Space Force

Today’s robust data lakes containing millions of unique Cybersecurity risk identifiers can now be harnessed with ML and AI to deliver predictive threat extrapolation in near Real-Time. In preparation of this years’ annual Space Power conference (US Space Force & NASA) US ProTech has prepared an informative AI/Cyber discussion which will center around the immediate defensive cybersecurity demands of NASA, the DoD, and many other agencies.

Cloud Trends in 2024

Cloud Trends in 2024

Cloud Computing, long a fundamental part of digital transformation, is seeing even more changes in 2024 and beyond. From hybrid and multi-cloud to the intersection of artificial intelligence and cloud computing, and the security and compliance implications, digital transformation and innovation will continue. Read on to learn more about upcoming cloud trends. 

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