Security Remediation Plans

Assessments provide useful information; understanding what action needs to be taken based on the assessment’s results is of greater value still. For this reason every US ProTech security assessment automatically comes with a security remediation plan which reviews what the best option for your business is – and allows you to establish a demonstrable plan for improvement.
When we speak of your best option, we understand that there are multiple factors your take into consideration, which is why all of our remediation plans are entirely customized to your needs and resources.
Of course, no remediation plan would be complete if it were not followed with a verification to ensure that all the solutions were effective, which is why we use our 6-step approach in this process as in all others.
Remediation Options
Remediation Options
Our goal is to create a tailored remediation plan perfectly suited for your particular security needs.
We understand that you consider your remediation options according to multiple angles not limited to regulatory or financial cost issues. We know that best business practices, human cost, time necessary to implement and durability are only some of the considerations which may also be important to you. For this reason, we don’t settle for generic responses but provide you with remediation solutions customized to your needs, budget and timeline.
We also understand that there are many things you can do all by yourself, or by yourself with our oversight, and we know that sometimes you need a team of experts to come set everything up for you. We take a close look at your existing infrastructure in order to recommend the unique path which will be most secure and most efficient for you.
And while our remediation plans are individualized in terms of objectives and practical solutions so that no two are quite the same, there is something that they all have in common: all our remediation plans give you true scoring against the National Vulnerability Database, which means that we’re protecting you against every vulnerability the moment it becomes known.
True scoring against the National Vulnerability Database
The National Vulnerability Database is the U.S. Government repository of standards-based vulnerability management data represented using the Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP). This data enables automation of vulnerability management, security measurement, and compliance.
Why should you care?
Because true scoring against the National Vulnerability Database means that you always get the latest and greatest security:
As soon as any vulnerability becomes known, it is entered into the National Vulnerability Database; when a company provides you true scoring against this database as US ProTech does, this means that you are protected against every single known vulnerability, up until Day Zero.
What information is included?
The National Vulnerability Database includes databases of:
· security checklists,
· security related software flaws,
· misconfigurations,
· product names, and
· impact metrics.
In addition to providing a list of Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs), the National Vulnerability Database scores CVEs to quantify the risk of vulnerabilities, calculated from a set of equations based on metrics such as access complexity and availability of a remedy.
External link:
National vulnerability database:
Security Posture Verification
Don’t leave anything to chance!
Once you have decided with us what your ideal regulatory compliance remediation plan is, we make sure that it’s been properly put in place and optimized before we consider our task accomplished.
No matter what your remediation plan is, you can count on our verification process to ensure not only that all the issues have been resolved but also that your system is working in the best and most efficient manner.
Our verification process follows our 6-step approach of Plan >>Design >>Implement >>Operate >>Optimize and>>Manage – to produce enthusiastic customers and results every time!
For more information or to get a quote, fill out the form on the right, or call us today!