Get Your Business Ready for the Cloud with a Strong Strategy

Get Your Business Ready for the Cloud with a Strong Strategy

While many businesses have already adopted cloud computing to a certain extent, others are still new to the technology. Whether your business is using cloud computing already, or is considering a move, it’s never too soon to develop a strong strategy. Read on to learn more about developing a strategy to guide your business in considering cloud computing.

The U.S. Government Prepares New Cybersecurity Task Force

The U.S. Government Prepares New Cybersecurity Task Force

Attention Aerospace & Defense Contractors:  Defense Secretary Jim Mattis has created a new task-force to ensure Cybersecurity in DoD contracts has equal weighted value to Performance, Quality, and Cost of Proposal. Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) and Cybersecurity will emerge as one discipline driving the need for Aerospace and Defense (A&D) contractors to adopt significantly better controls, documentation and System Security Plan reporting capabilities.

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