The U.S. Government Prepares New Cybersecurity Task Force

Attention Aerospace & Defense Contractors: Defense Secretary Jim Mattis has created a new task-force to ensure Cybersecurity in DoD contracts has equal weighted value to Performance, Quality, and Cost of Proposal. Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) and Cybersecurity will emerge as one discipline driving the need for Aerospace and Defense (A&D) contractors to adopt significantly better controls, documentation and System Security Plan reporting capabilities.
The US governments new task force will be responsible for protecting critical technologies from China, Russia and other adversaries of U.S. interests and simply stated – it will recommend greater responsibility be placed upon contractors. US ProTech urges our readers to contact us to learn just how comprehensive, holistic and affordable our NIST 800 based governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) solution is and what benefits it can bring to your business.
US ProTech, Inc. offers the only commercially developed, encrypted, pre-populated “GRC-App” (see: available today. The Application specifically addresses Cybersecurity, Policies & Procedures, Incident Response/Mgt. requirements and delivers a “One-Click” System Security Plan solution tailored to meet NIST 800-171 mandates. US ProTech’s Cybersecurity Vulnerably scanning process has been validated by the US Dept. of Commerce to exceed High-Impact Baseline control standards of NIST 800-53R4 and its enterprise-grade Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) application addresses Phase II and Phase III objectives of the DHS CDM program.
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